Tampa Bay Gets Cold: Heat It Up

Florida, the Sunshine State. Warm beach-friendly weather almost all year round. So is it important or even necessary to repair or replace a heating unit in Tampa Bay? The answer is yes.

People in northern states may scoff at what we Floridians consider cold, but anybody who lives in Florida — especially Tampa Bay — knows how unpredictable the weather can be here. For several fall and winter months out of the year, temperatures can get very chilly at night and during the day in Florida.

Tampa Bay — the place Super Heat and Air calls home — has experienced extended periods of freezing temperatures over the years, most notably in 2010. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Tampa and St. Petersburg recorded the coldest start to December, besting records that stood for more than 75 years.” The 2010 article also notes that “the cold sent energy bills soaring and prompted strawberry farmers to spray billions of gallons of water to protect their plants.”

The author of this blog post remembers a very chilly 2007, when temperatures dropped to the 20s in Clearwater, FL and he had icicles in his back yard. And even as late into winter as February 3, 2007, very light snow flurries were reported in the northeastern panhandle.

While these types of extreme Florida freezes happened years ago, the weather in Tampa Bay and in the entire state is very unpredictable and it does get cold in Florida each year.

Stay Warm Tampa Bay

When the cold weather hits again (and yes, it will happen again), what will you do, Tampa Bay, when it sneaks up on you? If you have a broken or malfunctioning heater when it happens, will you be prepared? People wonder if repairing or replacing a heating unit will be costly, and if it’s worth the price. If it gets cold and you have an old or malfunctioning heater, the price you pay will be high in electricity bills

The cost of installing and operating a heating system depends largely on what is called a “heat load.” The heat load refers to the total space to be heated inside your home and how much energy will be needed to heat the area. The initial cost of the unit also needs to be taken into consideration if a new unit is being installed. Smaller homes obviously require less heat while larger homes require a heating system with larger capabilities. Regular maintenance is also required as well to keep your heating system operating at full capacity.

So Tampa Bay, before that freezing cold sneaks up on you this year or the next, be prepared! Contact a professional from Super Heat and Air to help you get the best and most cost-efficient heating system for your home or commercial property.

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