The control panel, featuring a dollar sign display, shows the battery at 65% with arrows pointing up and down. A hand engages with the screen in a living room adorned with large windows, reflecting energy savings tips for optimal use this spring.

Spring Energy Savings Tips

Spring it On!
Spring in Florida has arrived and the weather is starting to warm up. And while Spring is not the season most associated with hot temperatures (that would be summer), spring in Florida can get hot. Very hot! And with hotter temperatures comes higher energy bills. So with that in mind, here are some spring energy savings tips to save you money:
Get AC maintenance
It needs to be done. Air conditioners experience wear-and-tear like any other machine. And they require maintenance to keep them running efficiently and prolong their life. Something as simple as replacing your air filter can make a world of difference. It’s a “do it yourself” kind of task, but it’s not enough to keep your AC system operating at its peak. You should hire us to perform routine maintenance at least twice a year. Air conditioner maintenance ensures your system runs as efficiently as possible all year long. And air conditioning maintenance is inexpensive, so don’t be cheap! By the way, we offer a very affordable $29.95 AC maintenance special for first-time customers, so call us at (813) 355-0288 to schedule yours.
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Program your thermostat
Install a programmable or smart thermostat. Programmable or smart thermostats allow you to customize and control temperature settings when you’re not at home. And even on warm spring days, you can set a programmable thermostat at slightly higher temperature settings when you’re away. You can save money on electricity by not keeping your thermostat at lower temperatures when nobody’s home. Programmable thermostats have evolved into much more than the traditional device you see mounted on the wall. Modern thermostats, also known as smart thermostats, often come with apps you can control remotely from your smartphone, tablet or other mobile device.
Seal air ducts
Get your ductwork inspected. When scheduling AC maintenance, ask for a ductwork inspection. Worn out or broken ductwork can cause loss of airflow from your AC system. And airflow loss, also known as loss of cooling efficiency, can raise your electric bills by consuming more energy. Let Super Heat & Air inspect your ductwork. We’ll check for leaks and identify any problems related to loss of cooling efficiency. And we also offer $100 off our entire home duct cleaning service, which helps keep your airflow steady and your indoor air quality clean!
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Use your ceiling fans
Become a fan of your fan! A common cooling myth is that ceiling fans are designed to cool a room. But ceiling fans are designed to cool the human body, not a room. Ceiling fans don’t produce cool air. They only circulate air around it. So if the air is cool enough inside, use your fans to circulate it rather than turning the AC on. And if you still feel like you need to turn your air conditioner on, using your ceiling fans allows you to raise the temperature a few degrees higher while still keeping you comfortable. Ceiling fans consume less energy than your air conditioning system, which could save you money! But don’t forget that ceiling fans don’t cool a room, so turn them off when you leave your house to save energy.
Crack open some windows
If it’s breezy outside, why not open some windows? Springtime in Florida can get just as hot as summer. But spring is also known for nice outdoor breezes, even here in the Sunshine State. Yes, we Floridians are used to running our air conditioners all day long. But why not open up windows and enjoy some natural air instead? Cooling your home with Mother Nature’s breeze can save you money by allowing you to give your air conditioner a break. Turn off your AC system on cooler spring nights and open your windows while you sleep. And then close the windows and blinds in the morning to trap any leftover cool air inside.
Check for drafty areas
Do your own inspection. Worn out windows can increase your energy bills by letting air escape your home. And if the weather stripping on your windows and doors is worn out, it’s very easy to get it replaced to keep air trapped inside. Drafty areas in attics, basements and unused rooms can also increase in your energy bills. Check the windows, doors and walls around your home for cracks, openings and worn-out weather stripping. And if your curtains or blinds are worn out and don’t block sunlight properly, consider buying some new ones.
Welcome the sunlight
Use natural light. Blocking sunlight with new drapes or blinds is awesome, but welcoming sunlight into your home can also save you money. The key is to avoid direct sunlight, but opening your drapes during the day can save electricity through natural lighting. If a window faces the sun directly, it might heat up up your home. But if you can let natural light through other windows in on a pleasant spring day, you can turn the lights off for a while to save some money.

Use energy efficient appliances
Find the labels. If natural lighting is not your thing, try getting an energy efficient lighting system. Traditional incandescent lighting generates a lot of heat and consumes a lot of electricity. So when purchasing lighting or appliances for your home, look for the ENERGY STAR® label. The ENERGY STAR label can be found in everything from lighting equipment to electronic devices and even air conditioners, so keep an eye out for it.
Don’t forget that leaving appliances and electronics that generate heat such as lamps, computers and even television sets can raise your energy bills. So make sure not to place any heat-generating appliances or electronics near the thermostat, which could throw it off. This could cause your thermostat not to read temperatures correctly and force your air conditioning system to work harder to cool your home.
Enjoy some outdoor grilling
Cook outside and enjoy the weather. The old expression “if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen” works well here. That’s because outdoor grilling keeps heat from your oven or stove out out of your home. By not using your oven or stove, you can keep your kitchen and house from getting too hot. So take advantage of the springtime weather, fire up your grill, have a cookout and enjoy the springtime breeze. You can use the money you save on electricity to buy more food!
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