Pink ribbon and text on a pink background highlight "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" for October, offering quick facts to inform and inspire.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Quick Facts

Think About Pink
In this entry to our blog, we’re taking a break from air conditioning to mention an important subject: breast cancer. October isn’t about Halloween; it’s also Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
We want to mention that Super Heat, Air, and Plumbing is an air conditioning company, and we’re NOT doctors or medical professionals. But here we’re just doing our part to help spread breast cancer awareness. And all of the information in this post was pulled from credible online sources that will be provided at the end.
Now that we got the disclaimer out of the way, here are some facts you should know about breast cancer and Breast Cancer Awareness month:
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Breast Cancer Month is observed every October to spread knowledge about the disease. Pink ribbons are the universal symbol of breast cancer awareness. This year marks the 33rd anniversary of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the “pink movement” keeps growing annually.
The Most Common Form of Cancer
According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. And it’s the most common form of cancer among American women other than skin cancer. About 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
Get Checked
Regular mammograms can help lower your risk of breast cancer by catching it before it spreads. Mammograms can be done at low costs or free of charge. And the Centers for Disease Control offers them free or at a low cost if you qualify. (Link provided at the bottom of this post).
There is Hope
A breast cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. There are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. And death rates from breast cancer have been dropping steadily since around 1989 thanks to increased awareness. Early diagnosis of breast cancer can prevent you from succumbing to the disease.
It Can Happen To Anyone
A family history of breast cancer increases the risk of getting the disease. But there doesn’t have to be a family history of developing it. Breast cancer can affect anyone regardless of nationality, race, gender, religion, or social status. And men can also get breast cancer, but it’s estimated that less than 1% of its victims are males.
Breast cancer usually affects women over the age of 50. But around 10% of new disease cases in the United States are found in women younger than 45. Breast cancer has symptoms such as lumps in your breasts, changes in size or shape of your breasts, and nipple discharge, among other symptoms. However, it could also have no symptoms at all.
A healthy lifestyle decreases your risk of getting breast cancer. Eating healthy foods, reducing alcohol consumption, and exercising regularly can decrease your chances of being affected.
To find out more about breast cancer and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, click on the links provided below:
Breast Cancer Awareness Resources:

CDC Breast Cancer Awareness:
CDC Cancer Screenings:
Medical Daily Breast Cancer Awareness Facts:
6 Things You Didn’t Know About Breast Cancer:
Susan G. Komen Foundation:

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